The Manage Ensemble screen is used to:

  • Add or edit the names of the conductor and co-ordinator assigned to the ensemble you have selected.
  • Add, edit or delete rehearsal information related to the ensemble you have selected.
  • Delete an Ensemble from your main ensemble list by clicking at the bottom right of the screen.

Updating the Conductor and Co-ordinator Names
The dropdown list for the conductors is taken from the list of contacts that have been assigned to the group ‘Conductors & Tutors’
The dropdown list of co-ordinators is taken from the contact that have been assigned to the ‘Music Committee’ group.

Updating the Rehearsal Information
To update a rehearsal that is currently in the system, click on the rehearsal and the buttons will appear for Update Rehearsal and Delete Rehearsal. If no rehearsal is selected, these buttons will not appear.

Adding an New Rehearsal

Adding rehearsals is done by clicking the Add Rehearsal button and completing the details of the rehearsal.

Creating a New Venue
If the venue of your rehearsal is not in the current list of venues, you can add it to the venue list by clicking the Create button. The venue you created will be saved in the drop down venue list for future use.