The Send Email page allows you to send an email to a group of people you have selected.

Default Recipients

A list of all members in the group you selected is shown at the bottom of the send email screen. You can use this list to check the individuals that are being included as part of the group, and to exclude certain members should you wish, by unchecking the box on the left hand side of the name.

The Send Email function is accessed from a number of places in the system where groups are required to be emailed.

The total number of recipients that will receive your email, including Additional Recipients, is shown next to the Send Email.

Selecting which email address to send from

We recognize that one person may act in various capacities, and may want to email people using different email addresses at different times. The drop-down list of email addresses in the From box is setup in the profile of the user where you can add multiple email addresses to the profile. Clicking on the name of the user next to the Logout button on the top right of the screen is where you access the profile to add additional email addresses if necessary.

Adding Additional Recipients to your email

If you would like additional people to receive your email that are not in the recipients list of the ensemble, you can select people from the Contacts list (this is the contacts list on the system) or you can type in any email address in the block next to the drop-down contact list (each email address needs to be separated by a comma). All additional recipients are blind copied on the email.

Using and saving email templates

Standard emails that are sent out many times (e.g. every year on registration, before every concert), can be saved as a template. Then, when you need to send the email, instead of recreating the email each time you can select a template to use.

To select a saved template, click on 'Email Templates' and a pop up screen appears to allow you to select an email template from your template library. Select a folder and all templates in that folder will be listed. Select the template you require and click Use Template . The wording of the template will appear in the text box. 

You can also save an email you have just constructed as a template by clicking on Save Template on the right hand side of the screen next to the Preview button. Give your template a name and choose a folder from the drop down list. It will be saved to your template library for future use.

Adding Attachments

Attach documents from your document library into your email by clicking Add Attachment on the top right hand side of the screen. A pop up screen appears to allow you to select a document to attach.

Select a folder and all documents in that folder will be listed. Select the document you require and click Add. A new row appears underneath the “Subject” row, showing the document you have chosen to attach and the document will be sent with your email.

You can remove any attachment in the list by clicking on the x next to the attachment file name.

Using tags to personalize your email

Personalise your email by using generic tags in the personalize email box

Note: The Website Link reference is only included in the new registrations email screen, and not in any others.

Tags are used in the body of your email so that when each individual receives your email, his/her personal information is inserted instead of the tag. For example, if you construct your email as follows:

The recipient will receive the following email:

As you are typing your email, simply click on the tag you require from the tag box and that tag will be automatically inserted into the email.

Previewing you email

To see how your email will appear to recipients, click the Preview button on the right hand side of the screen underneath the body of your email. You can also test your tags on this screen by ticking the Test Email Tag option which will replace all tags with the 1st recipients details for you to check.

Sending your email

Once you have previewed your email, click Send Email. The total number of recipients of your email is shown next to the send email button.