Managing New Registrations

All new registrations from the registration page go into the 'Ensembles' --> 'New Registrations' section of the administration system.

Viewing the New Student List

The list of new students displayed shows all the students who have registered and their selections and answers to questions from the registration page.

The list can be ordered by clicking on the column names or filtered by using the text block or dropdown lists below the column names. 

The Hire questions is related to the 1st question in the registration setup and the rest of the questions are the customised questions that have been created. At the bottom of the table of students is a Question Key that displays the questions that were asked for each of the Q1 - Q6 questions in the grid.

Viewing Details of the Students Including the Registration Details

To view the details of any student, double click on the student row and the full details of the student will be displayed in a pop-up window. The last tab of the pop-up window is the 'Registration Details' which displays the selections made and the answers to each of the questions and the comments related to each question.

Moving New Students into the Active System

To move a student to the active system, the student needs to be allocated to the correct ensemble, the instrument confirmed and the status of the student updated to 'Active'.

The 2nd last column of each line has a pencil icon which can be clicked to open a pop-up screen to allocate the student:

Select the Ensemble and Instrument the student has been allocated to and then select 'Active' to take the student into the Active list of the system.

If the student is no longer going to be in the music program, you can change their status to any other status you would like in the dropdown list and this will remove them from the New Student list.

Sending Emails to the New Students
You can send emails to all or selected students in the New Students List.
  • Filter the list to the students that you would like to send the email to (by ensemble, instrument, year etc.) by using the filter row under the column headings.
  • Click on the green Email bar above the student list.
  • Compose your email and then send the email to the students in the filtered list.

Exporting the New Students List

You can export the list of students to the Excel, PDF or CSV files. 
  • Filter the list to the students that you would like to send the email to (by ensemble, instrument, year etc.) by using the filter row under the column headings.
  • Click on the Export button at the bottom of the student list.
  • Select the file type you would like to export to.
  • Select the filename and where you would like to save the file to.