Viewing and Managing the Registration Forms

The list of all band camp registrations is found in the Band Camp --> Band Camp Registration section and looks like below:

You can view the completed information for a student by double clicking on the student in the list. This will display the form questions and response with any comments for selected student.

To allocate cabins to children, double click on the child’s name and then select the cabin that you would like to assign them to. Cabins are setup in the ‘Camp Registration Setup’ at the bottom of the screen. See Camp Registration Setup information in this document. Only cabins with available beds will be displayed in the list.

If you need to send a reminder to parents who have not completed their registration, tick the ‘Completed’ column on the filter row to show all the uncompleted registrations and then click the ‘Send Email’ bar where you can send an email to remind parents to complete the registrations. Remember to include the link to the registration from in your email.

You can export the list of students with all their registration information and contact details to excel using the export button.

Viewing and Managing the Registration Forms

The list of all band camp registrations is found in the Band Camp --> Band Camp Registration section and looks like below:

You can view the completed medical form for any student by double clicking on the student’s name. This will display the medical form questions and student responses and comments.

You can filter the list of students to show all children with specific allergies or medical conditions by typing the specific allergy/medical condition into the search block below the list headings. For example: by typing in ‘nuts’ into the search block under ‘Allergies’, will list of all students with nut allergies.

You can export the list of students by clicking the ‘Export’ button at the bottom of the table. You can filter the table first if you would like to create lists depending on allergies and medical conditions.