The All Students Page

The All Students Page lists all the students that are part of your school’s music program, irrespective of the ensemble they are in. All Students that have been participated in the music program at some point in the year are displayed. This page allows you to directly access information relating to a Student without having to specify the ensemble first, as is required on the dashboard.

The following details are displayed in the table for each student: First name, Last name, Year Group, Class, the Ensemble(s) the student participates in (listed using the short name), the instrument the student plays, whether the student has hired an instrument from the school, and whether the student is currently active in the school music program. 

You can customize which columns you would like displayed on your All Students page by clicking on the 

button on the top right hand side of the list.

Searching and filtering the All Students List

You can search for specific students or filter your list to include only students meeting certain criteria by using the filter/search fields at the top of each column.

  • Searching examples: If you wanted to search for Anne Roget, start typing Anne in the First Name search/filter box.
  • Filtering example:  If you wanted your list to include only those students in year 4, then enter “4” in the “Year” column. If you want to see a list of only those students that are hiring instruments, then check the filter box in the “Hire” column.

You can then select or unselect individual students using the check box on the left of the student name.

Sorting your Students List

Sort your Students list by any of the column values - First name, Last name, Year Group, Class, Ensemble, Instrument, Hire or Status. Click on the column title and the list will be sorted by that column.

Sending an email to the Students on your All Students list

Click the green Email bar on the top left hand side of the screen to send an email to all students that are currently displaying on your All Students list. A send email screen will open up, and your All Students list will drop below it.

Viewing and Editing a particular Student’s Details

Click on a student name to view further details on that student. A pop up screen will appear titled “Student Details”, which has 4 tabs: Student, Contacts, Comments and Accounts.

If you edit information on the Student Details pop up screen, remember to click Save before you leave the screen.

Adding a Student to the List

To add a student to the list of students currently displayed, click Add Student at the bottom of the page.

A pop up screen will appear titled “Student Details”, which has 4 tabs:  Student, Contacts, Comments and Accounts. This is the same screen as is used for viewing and editing an existing student’s details. However, you may not move onto the Contacts, Comments or Accounts tabs until you have completed the Students tab.

Remember to click Save before you leave the pop up screen.

Exporting your Student List

You can export your Students list to other programs.

Once you have sorted and filtered your list as desired, click Export, and select if you’d like to export to Excel or CSV. The All Student list cannot be exported to PDF due to the magnitude of information in this list.

A pop up screen will appear prompting you to select a name for the new file and where to store it on your network. The list will be saved in the new format showing only the students that were visible on the Students panel at the time of exporting.

Bulk Update

Bulk update is used to do the following actions which apply to an entire group of students in a single step:

  • Change the classification (Ensemble, Status or Year) of an entire group of students (as specified by you on your All Student list ) ;
  • Add all the students specified by you on your All Student list to the re-enrolment page or to remove them from the re-enrolment page;.
  • Allocate the group of students on your All Student list to a tutor and, if applicable, to a tuition group.

Review the list of students you selected through your searching/filtering action. To exclude certain students should you wish, uncheck the box on the left hand side of the name.

Once you are satisfied with you list click Bulk Update on the button.

Specify what update you will be making and the click Save to make the bulk update.

             See Student Bulk Update for more information