Quick Start Guide
The Dashboard
The dashboard is the first page you will see after logging in. From the dashboard you will have quick access to frequently used functions and information.
When one of more ensembles are selected, the student table will display all students related to the selected ensembles and the calendar will show all calendar events related to the selected the ensembles.
The Ensembles Panel
When one of more ensembles is selected the student and calendar panels display information related to the selected ensembles. Clicking the ‘Email’ button below the ensemble list with allow you to send an email to the selected ensemble members.
When only one ensemble is selected you will also have the options to update the selected ensemble details including ensemble contacts and rehearsal times and to manage the ensemble parent roster.
Managing your Ensembles
When one ensemble is selected, the button ‘Manage Ensemble’ appears below the list of ensembles. If you click on this button, you can update the details of the ensemble including, the name of the ensemble, co-ordinators, conductors and rehearsal information.
The dropdown list for the conductors is taken from the list of contacts that have been assigned to the group ‘Conductors & Tutors’ and the dropdown list of co-ordinators is taken from the contact that have been assigned to the ‘Music Committee’ group.
To update a rehearsal that is currently in the system, click on the rehearsal and the buttons will appear for ‘Update Rehearsal’ and ‘Delete Rehearsal’. If no rehearsal is selected, these buttons will not appear.
Adding rehearsals is done by clicking the ‘Add Rehearsal’ button and completing the details of the rehearsal.
The Calendar
The calendar displays all events related to the selected ensembles. Calendar events can be updated by clicking on the calendar event or a new event can be created by clicking on the date you would like to add an event to.
The Students
The students table displays all the students belonging to the selected ensemble(s).
The table can be sorted by clicking on column headings or by ‘Band Order’ using the link at the top of the table. The search input box will search all table data for your entered search term.
The ‘Show & Hide Columns’ button is used to customise which columns are displayed.
Double click on any student in the list to view or update all student details.
The Contacts
The contacts can be found under the ‘Contacts’ menu option. All your contacts for your music program can be managed from this list including emailing one or more contacts and sending them their login details to access the system.
New contacts can be added using the ‘Add’ button at the bottom of the list. The function to add and update contacts is only available to administrators.
To update the contact details, you can double-click on any of the contacts you would like to update or give system access to.
Click the ‘Email’ button to send one or more contacts an email.
To send a contact their login details, tick the contact or contacts that you are sending their login details to and then click the ‘Email Login Details’ to send them their login details. Login access is given to contacts by double clicking on the contact and going to the ‘System Access’ tab. See below for more details.
Contacts – System Access
Any contact can be given optional access to the system. Go to the ‘System Access’ tab of the contact and allocate the contact the correct level of system permission and which ensembles they have permission to view and tick the ‘Login Active’ option and click ‘Save’.
Once you have allocated the contact system access, you can then click ‘Save’ to save the changes and then ‘Email Login Details’ to send them their access to the system. The first time the contact uses the link in the email, it will ask them to assign a password to their login.
- Ensembles – Dashboard
- Contact (but cannot access ‘System Access’ tab)
- Library – both email templates and documents that are shared with everyone
- Tuition – Tuition list and Timetables for all tutors
Coordinators profile can access
- Ensembles – Dashboard
- Contact (but cannot access ‘System Access’ tab)
- Library – both email templates and documents that are shared with everyone
- Same as Coordinators profile
- Instruments
Tutors profile can access
- Tuition – Tuition list and Timetables for only their own students and lessons
Sub profile can access
- All menu options that the administrator can access except the setup menu and ‘System Access’ tab in contacts.
Sending Emails
Emails can be sent through the music system to selected students or contacts from a number of pages on the music system. Emails are sent by either clicking an ‘Email’ button at the bottom of a student or contact table. Or clicking on the ‘Send Email’ heading See examples below.
To send an email select who the email is being sent from, you can add / update the email address through your profile which can be accessed by clicking on your name (next to logo at the top of the screen).
You can personalise any emails by using the tags displayed in the blue toolbar.
Enter anyone you would like to send a bcc copy of the email to. More than one email address separated by comma’s can be entered. Enter your email subject and email body text and click send to send the emails to the selected student / contacts on the list below the email form.
The number next to the ‘Send Email’ indicates the number of emails that will be sent. To the right of this you can use the buttons to Preview your email and save it as a template to be used again later.
Use the buttons on the top right of the email panel to use a previously saved email template or to attach a file from the documents library to your email.