Managing your Instruments

The Instruments option on the main menu is used to manage instruments owned by the School Music Program. This includes:

  • keeping an inventory of these instruments;
  • managing information relating to the hiring of instruments to students; as well as
  • managing service information relating to the instruments.

All Instruments Tab

The All Instruments tab lists all the instruments in the system for the Music Program. If you want to view only the instruments that are currently hired out, tick the option Hire Instruments and this will then display a list of only the hired instruments.

The instruments table displays all the relevant information relating to each instrument. You can show/hide the columns you wish to see clicking on the Show/Hide Columns option at the top right of the screen.This will drop a list of all the columns that are available on the table and you can select and unselect any of the columns which will redisplay the table according to your selections.

Filtering the Instruments List

You can filter your list to include only instruments meeting certain criteria by using the filter/search fields at the top of each column. Some fields use free form typing to search and others have drop down lists from which you select values to search by.

Example: If you wanted your list to include only violin’s, then enter “Violin” in the instrument column.

 If you want to see a list of only those instruments that are for sale, then select “For Sale” from the drop down list in the search field under the “Status” column.

You can then select or unselect individual instruments using the check box on the left of the instrument name.

Sorting your Instruments List

Sort your Instruments List by any of the column values by clicking on the column title and the list will be sorted by that column.

Exporting your Instruments List

You can export your Instruments List to other programs.

Once you have sorted and filtered your list as desired, click Export , and select if you’d like to export to PDF, Excel or CSV.

A pop up screen will appear prompting you to select a name for the new file and where to store it on your network. The list will be saved in the new format showing only the instruments that were visible on the Instruments panel at the time of exporting.

Send to Service Option

The Send to Service option is used to send multiple instruments for a service at the same time to the same servicing company.

Review the list of instruments you selected through your searching/filtering action. To exclude certain instruments should you wish, uncheck the box on the left hand side of the instrument name.

Once you are satisfied with you list click on the Send to Service button.

A pop-up screen appears for you to specify the service provider and the service date for the bulk service.

Should you wish to add a service provider that does not currently appear on the drop down list, then click on the Add Store button. A second pop up screen will appear to enable you to add all the details of the new service provider. Once you have saved this screen, the name of the new service provider can be selected from the “Company” drop down list

Once you have finished filling in the information for the bulk service, click Save. The details of each instrument sent for bulk service will now appear on the In-Service Instruments screen.